About Us

targhetta about us

Whether you are an author who wants to remain indipendently published in Italy or you are a publisher who wants to make his titles even more known in our area, Ink Literary PR is the agency you’re looking for.


Ink Literary PR is a unique agency in Italy specialised in promoting and managing digital events for authors who decide to self-publish in Italy.
Ink Literary PR has two main goal: to make known in Italy authors who do not yet have their audience in our country and to get people to touch the romance genre, in all its forms, with as many readers as possible, giving them a safe place in to share their passion knowing they won't be judged for what they love to read.


I am Jessica and I love books. My relationship with reading over the years has been changing, to say the least, but at the same time reading has always been a constant in my life. I don't remember ever going a long time without reading something. It has always been natural for me, a need that then translated into the opening of my literary blog "The Ink Spell" in 2016, which kicked off the great adventure that allowed me to be here today.


I always leave a piece of myself in every story I read and this for me signifies giving meaning to the books that pass through my hands, and not just a monetary value.

When I work, I am extremely organized and this allows me to offer services of the highest quality and to always meet deadlines.


After seven years as a blogger, I asked myself: "Why don't you do something you also like as a job?"
After all, I had already been involved in the publishing world for a long time and made daily connections with other bloggers, authors, and press offices of publishing houses. It was an area in which I knew how to move well.
At first, this project scared me, a lot. But soon I realized that, with all the experience and knowledge I had gathered for the last seven years, I had all the credential to work on something I strongly believe in.
I've always thought that self-published authors, especially foreign ones, go too unnoticed in Italy compared to those who publish with a publisher and I have always thought it’s not right because even among independent authors there are stories worth discovering! This is how I dedicated myself to spread on my social media pages the knowledge of the authors who arrive in Italy and unjustly remain in the shadows. 
Right now I read many books that aren't published in any way in Italy and talk about them as much as possible, so that those authors who have not yet arrived in Italy, if they decide to be translated, will already have readers ready to welcome them.
This is what moves me: the desire to make as many romance authors and stories known as possible.

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